Pet Instructor Skill Review

177 videos, 8 hours and 30 minutes

Course Content

Course introduction

Video 1 of 177
2 min 29 sec
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Welcome to the Pet First Aid Instructor Annual Refresher Course

This online course, provided by ProTraining, is designed for pet first aid instructors to maintain their teaching status. It is available for free to current, approved bronze, silver, and gold pet first aid centres.

Course Eligibility and Access

If you are affiliated with an approved centre and wish to access the course for free, please contact us for more information.

Course Structure and Flexibility

The course consists of a series of informative videos, knowledge review questions, and a concluding short test. Designed for flexibility, you can start, pause, and resume the course at any point, and revisit videos anytime. It's compatible across multiple devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Interactive Learning Experience

Each course page offers supplementary text and the option for subtitles (via the CC icon) to enhance your learning. If you answer any questions incorrectly, additional support is available to guide you.

Certification and Resources

Upon successful completion, you will receive a printable completion certificate, a certified CPD statement, and an evidence-based learning statement, all with a QR code for validation.

Ongoing Access and Updates

You'll have access to the course and its regularly updated materials for eight months from the start date, even after passing the test.

Corporate Solutions and Support

For those responsible for staff training, we offer free company dashboards. Contact us via email, phone, or online chat for more information on our corporate solutions and complete support throughout the training.

Weekly Updates

Stay updated with weekly emails featuring fresh skills, new video additions, and blog news. You have the option to subscribe or unsubscribe from these updates at any time.

Additional Offerings

In addition to our training courses, we also provide a wide range of first aid medical products.


Thank you for choosing ProTrainings for your Pet First Aid Instructor Annual Refresher Course. We hope you find the course informative and enjoyable. Good luck!