Pet Instructor Skill Review
Course Content
- Introduction to your Pet First Aid Instructor refresher course
- Course introduction
- Dog First Aid and The Law
- The vet and your role in first aid
- The Role of the Dog First Aider
- When is Veterinary Care Required?
- Keeping your pet safe in an emergency
- Car Accidents
- Car Accidents - Injuries and Treatment
- Pet Proofing your home
- Please rescue my pets stickers
- Hand Hygiene
- Dog Microchipping
- Cat microchipping
- Precautions and Safety
- Pet Anatomy and Physiology
- First Aid Kits and Equipment
- Checking a Pets health
- Initial Assessment
- Checking Your Dog's Health and Finding Out What Is Normal
- Gum Colour
- Collecting a Urine Sample
- How Dogs Show Pain
- How Dogs Show Pain - Vets Comments
- Taking a Pulse
- Taking the Temperature
- Taking the Rectal Temperature
- Vital Signs
- Comprehensive Assessment and Checking Vital Signs Example
- Pet Accidents and First Aid
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR
- Choking
- Bleeding Control
- Types of Bleeding
- Dressings, Bandages and Controlling Bleeding
- Catastrophic Bleeding
- Dogs and haemostatic dressings
- What is the ideal animal haemostatic agent
- Collaclot - Collagen pad to stop bleeding and promote clotting
- Dogs and Tourniquets
- Commercial Tourniquets for Dogs
- HaemoCap™ MultiSite - Dogs
- Shock
- Shock - vets comment
- Different Conditions you may see
- Breathing and Respiratory Problems
- Loss of Appetite
- Sneezing
- Lethargy
- Urination Problems
- Weakness in Animals
- Weakness and Collapse - additional vets comments
- Hair Loss and Skin Conditions
- Cataracts
- Dehydration in Dogs
- Clinical signs of dehydration in dogs and cats
- Hydration and rehydration in dogs
- Fluid balance in dogs and cats
- Oralade - treating dehydration
- Oralade for cats
- Oralade - The Science
- Injuries
- Suspected fractures
- Types of fractures on animals
- Dog Fractures Treatment
- Spinal injury and moving an injured dog
- Spinal Injuries
- Paw Problems
- Paws and Claws
- Nail and Claw Injuries
- Eye Injuries
- Eye Problems
- Ear Problems
- General Bandaging
- Bandaging the Ear
- Bandaging the Tail and Tail Injuries
- Bandaging the Body
- Fight Wounds
- Puncture Wounds
- Mouth and Dental Problems
- Animal bites and scratches on dogs
- Small Cuts, Scratches and Grazes
- Bandage aftercare
- Stings on animals
- Ibuprofen and pets
- Carbon Monoxide and dogs
- Poisoning
- Vet poison information line
- Inducing Vomiting in a Dog
- Inducing Vomiting - vets comments
- Snake Bites
- Dog Burns
- Chemical Burns
- Electrocution
- Electric Shocks
- Cruciate Ligament
- Falls From Height
- Illness
- Dogs and Illnesses
- Bloat and Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV)
- Why do dogs eat grass
- Why are Onions Toxic to Dogs
- Why is Chocolate Toxic to Dogs
- High Temperatures and Heatstroke
- Hyperthermia - Vets Comments
- Hypothermia Treatment
- Hypothermia - vets comments
- Vomiting in Animals
- Different Types and Causes of Vomiting
- Vomiting - vets comments
- Seizures and Epilepsy
- Diabetes
- Allergies in Dogs
- Allergic reactions
- Pancreatitis
- Cushings Disease
- Nose and Respiratory Problems - Vet
- Breathing Difficulties
- Coughing and kennel cough
- Kennel Cough - vets comments
- Diarrhoea in Animals
- Stomach Conditions
- Possible Causes of Blood in Dog Faeces
- Rabies
- Alabama Foot Rot
- Blue Green Algae
- Hip Dysplasia
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Pyometra
- Vestibular Syndrome
- Parasites that affect pets
- Cats
- Different types and sizes of animals
- Summary and Your Practical Session
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Get StartedGeneral Bandaging
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There are some situations where you will need to pop a bandage on a leg or a tail or an ear if there is an injury. So if it is an injury that is bleeding and you need to try and stop the bleeding, you might want to put a bandage on. Or if it is an injury that you... A wound that you would like to cover before you get to the vet just to prevent any further infection or any dirt, or prevent your animal from licking at that wound, then popping a bandage on would be the best thing to do.The bandage that we tend to use at the vets and that is readily available for everyone to get hold of is cohesive bandage like this. And the really good thing about this is that it does not stick to the fur, so it does not hurt the fur, especially when you're taking it off, it is not difficult to remove. It just sticks to itself. So when you place it on the... Wherever you are going to put it, you just keep wrapping and covering itself, and it will stay put because it is stuck to itself. The most important thing with it is not to put it on too tight. Because it is a stretchy bandage, it is very easy to apply it tightly, and there is a temptation to do that, especially if there is a word that is bleeding because you want to stop that bleeding. However, if you put the bandage on too tight, you will cause swelling around where the bandage is, and it is also really painful for the animal. So, it is really important to just, when you are putting that on, make sure it is not tight.We always start lower than the injury or the wound that you are trying to cover. So, say, if she had an injury here on her forearm, we would start just below it. And you would start just wrapping that, and what I would suggest you do, there are two ways of making sure that it does not go too tight. You can pull that bandage, so unravel it and take all that elasticity with you there, pull it tight, and then start to apply it looser so that you know you are not just unravelling and attaching it as you go where it is definitely going to be too tight, but you have unravelled it and you are just placing it back on top of itself without pulling all that elasticity in it.The other way to make sure that it does not go too tight would be to put one on two of your fingers underneath when you're wrapping it around the leg. So you would put your fingers in there, wrap the bandage around, and you can still pull it quite tight in that way because you know that you have got some space in there because you have got your two fingers underneath. And just move your fingers up as you are putting the bandage on.And when you are finished bandaging, the lovely thing about the cohesive bandage is that you can just tear it very easily. So if you do not have scissors with you, it does not matter because you can just tear it and lay it on top of itself, and it will stick to itself. You just want to check afterwards, you could just pop a finger underneath both ends and make sure that that bandage is not too tight, and that is lovely. That is fine.If you had a wound that was very close to the foot, I would always suggest including the foot in your bandage. And the reason for that is that if you do not do that and it is close to the foot, the bandage is likely to slip. So, rather than you do all that work and then it just falls off, just make sure you put the whole foot in there in the first place. And I would normally start over the top of the foot, pull that bandage out, place it, and then, once you have gone above and below the foot, just start wrapping around where you have applied it. Also, if it is an injury on the foot, it is always best, if you can, to include all of those nails and digits in there.Any bandage that you put on is only going to be temporary. It is just to make sure that you have covered or stopped that bleeding before you then get the animal to the vets. So it really does not matter what it looks like, it just needs to be functional, do what it needs to do, cover or stop the bleeding because as soon as you get to the vet, they are going to take that bandage off and do whatever they need to do. And it might be that they then replace the bandage, but it may be that it needs surgery, or whatever it needs. This is just a temporary fix to try and get your animal safely to the vets.
How to Apply a Bandage to Your Pet's Injury: Tips and Techniques
Introduction to Bandaging
Bandaging a pet's injury can be crucial in preventing further complications and providing temporary relief:
- Reasons for Bandaging: To stop bleeding, prevent infection, or deter the pet from licking the wound.
- Common Bandage Type: Cohesive bandage, easily accessible and gentle on fur.
Application Tips
Proper application ensures effectiveness and comfort for your pet:
- Avoid Over-Tightening: Ensure the bandage is snug but not too tight to prevent swelling and discomfort.
- Start Below the Injury: Begin wrapping below the wound and apply the bandage with gentle tension.
- Use Fingers as Guide: Insert two fingers beneath the bandage to gauge tension and prevent tight wrapping.
- Include the Foot: If the injury is near the foot, incorporate the entire foot in the bandage to prevent slipping.
Bandaging Technique
Follow these steps for effective bandaging:
- Start below the injury or wound, wrapping the bandage with gentle tension.
- Use fingers to maintain proper tension and prevent over-tightening.
- If including the foot, begin over the top and wrap around, ensuring coverage of all nails and digits.
- Finish by tearing the bandage and securing it in place.
Temporary Measure
Remember, a bandage is a temporary solution until veterinary care is obtained:
- Functionality is key; appearance is secondary.
- Veterinary assessment is necessary for proper treatment, which may include surgery or further bandaging.