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Cataracts in Dogs and Cats: Causes, Effects, and Treatment
Causes of Cataracts
Cataracts are commonly seen in older dogs and diabetic dogs due to fat deposits in the lens of the eye.
Formation and Effects
Cataracts form when fats deposit in the lens, which can hinder light transmission to the back of the eye, affecting vision.
- Vision Impairment: Fully formed cataracts can block light and impair vision.
- Adaptation: Pets may struggle in low-light conditions and may need adjustments in daily activities.
Impact on Pets
Dogs and cats with cataracts may find it challenging to navigate in dim lighting, affecting their daily routines.
- Behavioural Changes: They may become less confident in unfamiliar or dimly lit environments.
- Surgical Option: Surgery to remove cataracts can restore vision in most cases.
Despite these challenges, many pets with cataracts lead happy lives with appropriate care and management.
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