Clinical signs of dehydration in dogs and cats
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Clinical Signs of Dehydration in Dogs and Cats
Understanding Dehydration Signs
Exploring common clinical signs associated with dehydration in dogs and cats:
- Dry or Tacky Gums: Check for dry or tacky gums and mucous membranes, including the nose.
- Skin Tent Test: Perform the skin tent test by lifting the scruff at the back of the neck; delayed skin retraction may indicate dehydration.
- Rapid Heart Rate: Observe an elevated heart rate as a potential sign of dehydration.
- Sunken Eyes: Look for sunken or deep-set eyes as another indicator.
- Lethargy: Notice signs of lethargy and overall weakness.
- Collapse: Be aware of the possibility of collapse, indicating severe dehydration.
- Altered Consciousness: Watch for changes in the level of consciousness.
- Panting: Pay attention to excessive panting, especially in cats.
- Thick Saliva: Recognize thick saliva often described as glue-like in consistency.
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