Hyperthermia - Vets Comments
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Understanding Heatstroke in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Causes of Heatstroke
Heatstroke in dogs, often triggered by hot weather, can occur due to various factors:
- Summer Heat: Dogs left in cars, conservatories, or engaged in vigorous play can be prone to heatstroke.
- Overexertion: Dogs may not know when to stop exercising, leading to overheating and collapse.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Recognising heatstroke symptoms in dogs is crucial for prompt intervention:
- Excessive Panting: Dogs may exhibit heavy panting and signs of distress.
- Weakness and Collapse: Heatstroke can progress rapidly, leading to collapse and loss of consciousness.
Treatment and Cooling Methods
If you suspect heatstroke in your dog, immediate action is necessary:
- Gradual Cooling: Use damp towels or a gentle hose spray to cool your dog down gradually.
- Avoid Sudden Temperature Changes: Do not submerge your dog in icy water, which can cause shock.
In severe cases, hospitalisation may be required for fluid therapy and supportive care to aid in recovery.
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