Small Cuts, Scratches and Grazes
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Managing Minor Pet Injuries: Home Care Tips and Warning Signs
Understanding Minor Pet Injuries
Pets often sustain minor injuries during walks or while in the garden:
- Assessment: Not all injuries require immediate vet attention.
- Home Treatment: Superficial cuts and grazes can often be treated at home.
Home Care Tips
Simple steps to manage minor injuries at home:
- Cleanliness: Keep the injury site clean and free from dirt.
- Covering Wounds: Consider covering open wounds on the feet to prevent infection, especially when going outside.
- Monitoring: Watch for signs of worsening condition post-injury.
Warning Signs Requiring Veterinary Attention
Indications that minor injuries may require vet intervention:
- Pain: Sudden onset of pain or discomfort may signal infection.
- Discharge: Any discharge, wet crusting, or swelling around the wound warrants veterinary assessment.
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