Stomach Conditions
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Dog Stomach Upsets
Causes of Stomach Upsets in Dogs
Stomach upsets in dogs are often caused by ingestion of inappropriate substances, whether scavenged during walks or stolen at home.
Common Symptoms
The most frequent symptoms include:
- Diarrhoea: This is the most common sign of a stomach upset in dogs.
- Vomiting: Some dogs may also experience vomiting, often alongside diarrhoea.
Treatment and Management
If your dog experiences diarrhoea or vomiting:
- Ensure they have plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
- Consider withholding food for 24 hours if your dog is bright and otherwise well.
- If symptoms persist beyond 24 hours or if your dog shows signs of lethargy or pain, seek veterinary advice promptly.
Additional Considerations
Observations to note:
- Changes in stool colour or consistency, including watery or jelly-like diarrhoea.
- Presence of blood in the stool, which can indicate different underlying issues.
These details will assist your vet in determining the appropriate treatment and understanding the severity of the condition.
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