Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 56 minutes

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Vestibular Syndrome

Video 162 of 190
2 min 40 sec
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Understanding Vestibular Syndrome in Pets

Exploring Vestibular Syndrome

Vestibular Syndrome encompasses various conditions affecting the vestibular system, responsible for maintaining balance. This syndrome can arise from a range of causes, including nerve or brain tumors, infections, inflammation, thyroid issues, or even idiopathic origins when no specific cause is identified.

Common Signs and Affected Pets

Vestibular Syndrome can impact both dogs and cats, manifesting through common signs such as loss of balance, falling, eye flickering, and overall unsteadiness. While this condition can be distressing for pets and owners alike, it typically improves with time.

The Vestibular System's Role

The vestibular system, stationed within the inner ear and brain, plays a crucial role in maintaining balance during various activities. Sensors within this system transmit vital information to the brain, ensuring the body and head maintain proper positioning whether at rest or in motion. Additionally, this system coordinates eye movement in response to head position changes.

Recognizing Vestibular Syndrome Signs

Signs of Vestibular Syndrome are consistent across dogs and cats and include head tilting, rapid eye movements (horizontal or vertical), inability to walk straight, drifting to one side, abnormal behavior, potential vomiting, hearing loss, and facial drooping. Additional symptoms may encompass seizures, weakness, vision impairment, and difficulties with eating or drinking.

Seeking Veterinary Care

If you suspect Vestibular Syndrome in your pet, promptly consult a veterinarian. The vet will determine the necessary tests and treatments, which can include CT or MRI brain scans and further investigations involving cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Treatment may involve antibiotics, steroids, or anti-nausea medications based on the pet's condition.

Prognosis and Outcome

The prognosis for Vestibular Syndrome varies depending on the underlying cause. Some pets may develop a permanent head tilt, while others recover fully with no treatment. Ongoing conditions may necessitate continued treatment tailored to the individual animal.