Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 56 minutes

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Why Do Dogs Have Dew Claws

Video 31 of 190
1 min 22 sec
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The Functionality of Dew Claws in Dogs

Dog's anatomy comes with some unique features, one of which is the presence of dew claws. These are small additional toes situated on the interior side of a dog's paw, believed to be evolutionary remnants of a time when dogs had more toes.

Evolutionary Traces and the Role of Dew Claws

Over the course of evolution, dogs have developed to have four toes on their hind feet and five on their front feet. The dew claw is the leftover toe that does not touch the ground.

Dew Claws Providing Traction

Dew claws offer dogs extra traction during running or sudden turns. They serve as additional contact points with the ground, assisting dogs to maintain stability and agility. For dogs that climb, such as the Great Pyrenees breed, dew claws aid in gripping rocks and other surfaces.

Dew Claws as Tools for Self-Defence

In wild settings, dogs might employ their dew claws to latch onto prey or defend themselves from predators.

The Preventive Aspect of Dew Claws

Dew claws also contribute to injury prevention. Dogs engaged in activities like hunting, herding, or agility competitions run the risk of their paws getting trapped in obstacles. Dew claws can act as a buffer, reducing injuries to the foot and leg.