Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 56 minutes

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Why is Chocolate Toxic to Dogs

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1 min 59 sec
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The Hidden Hazards of Chocolate for Dogs

Despite chocolate being a universal favourite among people, it can be highly toxic and even lethal for dogs due to a chemical component known as theobromine.

The Threat of Theobromine in Chocolate to Dogs

Theobromine in chocolate is a stimulant, much like caffeine, affecting the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Although humans can swiftly metabolise theobromine, dogs process it considerably slower, leading to a harmful accumulation in their bodies. The amount of theobromine in chocolate differs based on the type; dark and baking chocolates have higher levels than milk or white chocolate. The toxic threshold of theobromine for dogs is approximately 100-150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. As such, even a small amount of dark or baking chocolate could be toxic to smaller dogs.

Signs of Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs

Symptoms of chocolate toxicity in dogs can manifest as vomiting, diarrhoea, restlessness, a rapid heartbeat, seizures, and potentially death. The severity of these symptoms depends on the amount and type of chocolate ingested, as well as the size of the dog.

Immediate Steps If Your Dog Consumes Chocolate

If your dog has consumed chocolate, it is crucial to promptly get them to a vet. Your vet may initiate vomiting or administer activated charcoal to help neutralise the toxins. In severe instances, hospitalisation and intravenous fluids might be necessary.

How to Prevent Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs

The most effective way to prevent chocolate toxicity in dogs is to keep all chocolate and cocoa-infused products out of their reach. This includes chocolate bars, baking chocolate, chocolate chips, cocoa powder, and chocolate-flavoured baked items.

Additionally, it is of utmost importance to educate yourself and your family members on the dangers of chocolate for dogs and be vigilant for any signs of chocolate consumption.