Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 59 minutes

Course Content

Administration of Oxygen

Video 63 of 190
4 min 52 sec
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Delivering Oxygen to Pets

Safety Precautions for Oxygen Cylinders

**Oxygen** delivery to pets involves using standard BOC cylinders, but safety is paramount:

  • Keep cylinders secure to prevent falls, breakage, and gas leaks.
  • Remember that oxygen is both explosive and poses a fire risk.
  • Cylinders should be clearly labelled as containing oxygen.

Connecting Oxygen to Masks

**Oxygen masks** for pets allow controlled oxygen delivery:

  • Connect the mask to the cylinder using push-fit connections.
  • Exhaled air escapes through side holes in the mask.
  • A rubber collar holds the mask in place around the pet's nose.
  • Adjust the fit for comfort; if the pet resists wearing the mask, hold it near their mouth for oxygen delivery.

Using the Oxygen Cylinder

Proper cylinder operation is essential:

  1. To turn on the cylinder, fully open the black knob and then turn it half a turn back to accommodate temperature changes.
  2. Adjust the flow of oxygen using the knob on the top; the maximum flow is typically 15 litres per minute.
  3. Ensure the oxygen is flowing into the mask.

Monitoring and Shutdown

While administering oxygen, closely monitor the pet and the stability of the cylinder:

  • Always be vigilant during oxygen delivery.
  • To shut down, turn off the oxygen at the cylinder and the main connector.
  • Release pressure from the regulator by turning the top button; then close it off.
  • Remove and store the masks, which can be disinfected and reused.

Choosing the Right Mask Size

Various mask sizes are available; select the appropriate size for the pet's needs:

  • Ensure a snug fit to provide efficient oxygen delivery.
  • If necessary, hold the mask away from the pet's nose to accommodate panting.

Additional Oxygen Delivery Methods

Other methods, such as **oxygen tents** and **nasal cannulas**, are used in veterinary settings:

  • Oxygen tents increase oxygen levels in an enclosed space.
  • Nasal cannulas, similar to those used in human healthcare, deliver oxygen directly to the nose.

Supporting Pet Safety in Emergencies

Charities like **Smokey Paws** work to equip fire services with pet oxygen kits, ensuring pets receive proper first aid during emergencies alongside humans.