Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 59 minutes

Course Content

Dog CPR Introduction

Video 55 of 190
3 min 53 sec
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Pet CPR: Building Confidence and Understanding

1. Preparing for Pet CPR

Building Confidence: Practicing CPR on a pet can be distressing, but training in a controlled environment or with a toy at home can boost your confidence.

2. Reasons for Pet Breathing Problems

Possible Causes: Understanding why a pet might stop breathing is crucial when considering CPR.

  • Drowning
  • Suffocation
  • Excessive Heat
  • Poisoning
  • Cardiac problems
  • Smoke inhalation

3. Importance of Pet CPR

When to Perform CPR: Learn the significance of pet CPR and when it should be administered.

  • Never Practice on a Live Pet: Utilize a manikin or toy for training purposes.
  • Consider Your Pet's Condition: In some cases, CPR may not be suitable for very old pets with stopped hearts.
  • Potential for Success: Approximately 6% of dogs receiving CPR survive, depending on the underlying cause.
  • Effectiveness Based on the Cause: CPR may be effective for issues like drowning; however, not attempting CPR guarantees no chance of success.
  • Time Window for CPR: Research suggests that if CPR works, it usually does so within the first 10 minutes.
  • Exceptions and Time Limits: Successful resuscitation beyond 10 minutes is rare, and after 20 minutes, it's generally best to stop CPR.