Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

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Alabama Foot Rot

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2 min 20 sec
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Understanding Alabama Foot Rot

Origin and Spread

Alabama Foot Rot earned its name from its initial diagnosis in Alabama, USA, primarily affecting greyhounds during the 1980s. While first confirmed in the UK in 2012, its prevalence has been steadily increasing. The precise cause remains elusive, prompting ongoing research efforts.

Possible Environmental Link

Current understanding suggests a potential environmental factor in the transmission of Alabama Foot Rot. Animals frequenting wet and muddy areas are suspected of contracting the causative agent, although this hypothesis lacks definitive proof. Notably, cases tend to surge between November and May, coinciding with the muddy, waterlogged conditions of woodland areas.

Symptoms and Progression

The causative agent initially induces lesions on the lower part of the limb, extending from the foot to the carpus or the hock on the back leg. These lesions resemble ulcers, rapidly eroding the skin. When encountering such limb ulceration in animals exposed to high-risk environments, Alabama Foot Rot should be considered. Isolated skin lesions, although not fatal on their own, can escalate when the causative agent migrates to the kidneys, leading to potentially fatal kidney damage. This progression can occur within days of the limb ulcers emerging.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Timely evaluation of limb ulcers is essential. If Alabama Foot Rot is suspected, kidney testing is often necessary to assess the extent of the infection. Unfortunately, treatment outcomes are frequently unrewarding, especially when the disease advances to kidney involvement. Many cases where Alabama Foot Rot spreads to the kidneys result in a fatal outcome.