Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 59 minutes

Course Content

Approaching a Dog That Has Been Injured

Video 17 of 190
1 min 58 sec
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Approaching Animals in Distress: Safety Guidelines

1. Maintain Calmness

Stay Calm: Your calm demeanor can help reassure the distressed animal.

2. Proceed with Caution

Approach Slowly: Avoid sudden movements that may provoke fear or danger.

Secure the Scene: Ensure the area is safe and remove onlookers or assign them tasks.

Child Safety: In serious situations, keep children at a safe distance from the scene.

3. Assess the Situation

Dangerous Locations: Evaluate the pet's safety, especially in hazardous places like roads.

Fire Incidents: Do not enter a burning building; let the fire service rescue pets.

Chemical Hazards: Exercise caution if toxic chemicals are present.

4. Handling Aggression

Consider Restraint: Use restraint or a muzzle if the animal is aggressive and frightened.

Pre-assessment: Observe the pet's body language before approaching.

Signs to Watch For: Look out for signs like raised neck hair, growling, intense staring, submissive gestures (e.g., laying on the back), biting, snapping, exposing teeth, ears back, and tail between legs.

5. Observational Distance

Stay Back: Keep a safe distance and observe the animal until professional help arrives.

6. Stay Safe and Calm

Prioritize Safety: Always maintain a calm and level-headed approach when assisting distressed animals.