Breathing Difficulties
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Understanding Breathing Difficulties in Dogs and Cats
Monitoring Respiratory Rate
Recognizing normal respiratory patterns:
- Know Your Pet: Understand your pet's typical respiratory rates during various activities, such as sleeping, exercising, and resting.
- Signs of Distress: Respiratory distress may include unusual breathing noises or abdominal efforts while breathing.
Possible Causes of Respiratory Issues
Identifying underlying conditions:
- Infections: Respiratory infections like pneumonia or upper respiratory infections can lead to inflammation and breathing difficulties.
- Fluid Accumulation: Fluid in the chest, often caused by accidents, illnesses, or tumours, can impede lung function and cause respiratory distress.
- Tumours: Lung or heart base tumours can affect breathing and require medical attention.
Seeking Veterinary Care
Importance of veterinary intervention:
- Immediate Care: If your pet shows signs of respiratory distress, seek veterinary assistance promptly for oxygen therapy and diagnosis.
- Diagnostic Procedures: Veterinarians may conduct chest examinations, x-rays, or ultrasounds to identify the underlying cause of breathing difficulties.
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