Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 56 minutes

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Why do dogs eat grass

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1 min 43 sec
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Decoding the Mystery: Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

As a canine owner, you may often observe your dog nibbling on grass while out for a stroll or play in the garden. This behaviour might seem odd, prompting you to wonder why your dog is showing interest in consuming grass.

Grass-Eating as a Digestive Aid

One prevalent reason for dogs to eat grass is to alleviate digestive issues. Dogs may ingest grass to provoke vomiting, which assists in expelling any ingested toxins or indigestible materials. Moreover, consuming grass can stimulate digestion and aid waste elimination.

Grass-Eating due to Nutritional Deficiencies

Dogs might resort to grass-eating due to nutritional deficiencies. If a dog's diet is deficient in specific nutrients, they may instinctively seek alternative nutrition sources such as grass. However, ensuring a nutritionally balanced diet that provides all essential nutrients for maintaining overall health is vital.

Grass-Eating as a Self-Soothing Behaviour

Some dogs may enjoy the taste or texture of grass, making grass-eating a form of self-soothing behaviour, similar to how some humans bite their nails or twirl their hair when anxious. Moreover, dogs could eat grass due to boredom. Insufficient physical or mental stimulation may lead them to consume grass or other non-food items to alleviate their boredom.

Grass-Eating as a Natural Instinct

Lastly, some experts propose that grass-eating is a natural instinct in dogs. Descending from wolves who often incorporated grass into their diet for digestive and eliminatory help, this behaviour could be a lingering trait from their wild predecessors.